Budgeting Is Essential

By Susan Reynolds

In today?s? economy, success is measured by how well we go about making our personal budgets. Many successful people started learning to budget as children with their meager allowances and it became a habit that followed them into adulthood. They?ve learned the simplest and most basic building block in the quest for financial freedom. Those same people are the ones who know financial freedom at early ages and are the ones the rest of us look up to. Those people have learned to budget.

Many people resist establishing a budget because they see it as an attempt to control their lives. In actuality, budgeting frees your life by setting limits on debt and the stress that large debt payments cause. While budgeting involves personal responsibility, it does not require giving up personal freedom. It?s actually a relief to know just what your limitations are.

No amount of aimless spending can make you feel as good as the peace of mind that comes from moving away from a reliance on credit cards and freeing yourself from those avoidable insufficient funds overdrafts. Setting up a personal budget gives you a plan to spend your money with intent as opposed to spending it aimlessly. When you plan everything out it helps prevent you from spending more money than you make.

You cannot expect, however, to get it perfectly right from the get-go. It?s going to take you 3-5 months to have your budget up and running correctly. At first, you will probably forget about some small expenses and make a few mistakes. Three to five months later, the bugs should be all worked out, and your budget will reflect exactly what you are really spending.

Once you have achieved this accuracy, you need to keep to your plan. Many people lose their determination at this point. Anyone can write the budget, but do you have the discipline to follow it week after week and month after month? Remember, your goal and reward is your financial freedom.

By now you recognize how vital it is to make yourself a personal budget. You will never take steps toward debt elimination and savings if you do not have a means of tracking your money and deciding how you will spend it.

Success rarely happens without at least a little effort and planning. Now is the time to make your own success story and my suggestion to you is that you do yourself a favor and grab a note pad and a pen and start working on your own personal budget.

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