The Many Benefits Of Homeowner Loans / Secured Loans.

By Sally Ferry

There is not only one kind of loan, but in fact there are many different loans whether it is a loan to purchase a motor home or camper van, a loan to buy a motor bike, to go on a cruise, etc. etc.

Most people do not have ready cash to make major purchases unless they have very high salaries allowing them to pay everything with cash that they have managed to save.

Some people have the good fortunate to have money in their bank account but want to keep it there as money in the bank gives them confidence to face the future safe in the knowledge that no matter what the future holds he will have sufficient funds to tide him over.

For people who do not own the house in which they live but only pay rent either to a private individual or a council the only form of loan available to them are unsecured loans which clearly require no asset.

Apart from those with high salaries and perfect credit ratings unsecured loans are very thin on the ground and even for perfect prospective borrowers the interest rates are quite high.

Considering all this the perfect loan for homeowners is the homeowner loan also called the secured loan as these loans are secured on an asset which in this case is the equity available on the property.

Homeowner loans otherwise called secured loans start at 9% for employed homeowners and a little more than this if the homeowner loan applicant is self employed. Also for those with bad credit bad credit loans are available at higher rates of interest.

Homeowner loans can be used for almost any legitimate purpose and with repayments available from five to twenty five years homeowner loans are affordable to most people.

If homeowner loans are taken out over a long period they can be repaid early with only one months interest charged as an early repayment penalty.

Homeowner loans can be paid off at any time and normally the early repayment penalty is only one months interest. This is excellent and compares well to remortgages and mortgages which have a tie in period that requires the payment of heavy penalties if paid off early.

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