4 Ways On How To Obtain The Best Credit Card Rates

By Andy Zain

How do you look for the best credit card rates? You can never get a credit card without having to pay a certain interest rate. If you have not been doing your research well, though, you would realize that you're going to pay a large sum of money, enough to distort your budget and make you work some more. Hence, learning how to obtain the most ideal rates is highly important.

Before you proceed, though, you must know first what credit card rate is. You can liken it to the interest rates that are being given to your loans, such as your mortgage. Beside the principal, you also need to pay the interest rate. Otherwise, there is no way that the lender would be able to earn something from you. In turn, when the credit card is high, your debt is also high.

That's why you need to know how you can actually get the most ideal credit card rate. The good news is that you actually have so many options.

On top of your list should be credit card comparison. This means even before you decide to apply for a particular plastic, you have already considered as many as 5 credit card companies. Some would have as low as 11. 99 percent of interest rate per annum, while some can give you something as high as 18 percent.

It's also essential that you have an excellent credit score to speak of. This means that you have been diligent in paying your other debts, such as your mortgage. When you are, you can obtain a good FICO score, which can also help in reducing your interest rates. You can aspire for a score that is more than 750, and you can expect companies to offer you credit cards with an interest rate of 10 percent or even less than that--per annum.

Never forget to pay your debts on or before due date. This way, they do not start to pile up and begin to pay more on your interest. It would also be ideal to not settle for the minimum amount. If you can, pay the entire loan you have made for the month.

Have you been paying well? If you are, you can also just call your credit card company and negotiate for a much lower interest rate. Because competition is stiff, and they don't want to let go of a good client, they would likely grant your request.

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