24 Your Guide to an Effective Real Estate Marketing: Inspiration Not Plagiarism

By Mark B. Bradley

As a business person and writer of your own or other's real estate marketing materials, plagiarism is an expensive mistake you cannot afford.

But in the realm of direct marketing there's a device called a "swipe file." And while it sounds like a license to steal others' writing word for word, it really isn't. In fact, it's far from it.

The term being used is "swipe-file" where in you collect all the mails you received from other marketers who may have the same offer as yours or from other business. You have this collection mainly for the purpose of finding marketing terms which you think are effective to use for your marketing plan.

You then use your new knowledge on the marketing impact of these words in your own real estate direct marketing copy. You don't use the same sentences or even impart the same idea in your real estate direct mail. You are just using the 'words' to market 'your own ideas.'

So release your natural creativity, while you use other people's real estate direct mail as a starting point. If you find the phrase "insider secret" compelling then use it in your own headlines. Also pay attention to call to actions when reading other people's real estate direct marketing materials. Get inspired to make your own magnetic call to action.

You are merely studying other people's direct marketing materials and this is totally different from copying their mails. In fact, this method has been used by some of the most successful real estate marketers for years.

A swipe file has been used by all of the most successful copywriters for years. If you aren't already receiving some type of direct-mail from a variety of firms, contact some. Tell them you're interested in being placed on their mailing list. You don't need to tell them why!

One effective method we can borrow from poets and creative writers is to read these real estate marketing materials out loud. By doing this, you get to both hear and feel the power of the words.

Then place it in your swipe file. Add it to your storehouse of copywriting words. Not only do you know have a jump start on ideas for your next mailing, but you have a little stash of ideas - all safely tucked away - that you can pull out the next time you're stuck for a word or a new reason to create a sense of urgency on the part of your reader.

A swipe file, if used properly, it's neither stealing nor plagiarism; it's inspiration, pure and simple. And who among us can't use a little more inspiration?

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